Please use the following contact information to get in touch with Bowling for Beginners:
- Bowling success stories, quotes, press or media inquiries
- Partnership opportunities
- Inquiries about advertising with us
- Bowling balls, shoes, gloves, and other product reviews
Product Reviews: We occasionally publish hands-on product reviews on the blog. If you want your bowling products evaluated, please email us at admin @ with your product information. We'll respond to your email if we're interested in testing your product.
Press/Media: Please email us at admin @ or leave us a voicemail at 1 (844) 424-BOWL. We do make ourselves available to provide quotes and resources for articles.
It's important to note that we get a large number of emails each day and that we are very selective with our time. We read every email that is sent to us, but there are times when we are unable to reply to them all. Despite this, we endeavor to respond to most emails within 10 business days.
If you need to send us something by mail, please use the address below:
Bowling for Beginners
4614 Hwy 280 #1123
Birmingham, AL 35242
1 (844) 424-BOWL